globalPodia™ is the easy and inexpensive way to instantly acknowledge participation for both individuals and teams. One versatile web-based destination lets visitors find event summaries, event results, trophy histories and their winners. Visitors can even retrieve photos and historic information of every event you association or club has hosted.
globalPodia can be a single source of event or club records. It is fully flexible because it is relationship based, so you can search by person’s name, yacht, yacht owner, event or trophy. globalPodia can accept automated upload of membership and Sailwave regatta results which are then inked to event, boat and person.
Slide shows can be presented as large digital signage. globalPodia facilitates the recall of great moments and updated participant activities as fast as they happen. Give your members anytime, anywhere access to club archives and their successes.
Your members can now access all your clubs great moments anytime anywhere.